Category: News
Top 10 New Manager Mistakes
Managing can be a little difficult at first. A recent poll found that more than 50% of managers received NO training before starting the job. Here is a list of the most common mistakes new managers make so you can avoid making them too. (If you think I missed one, use the “Readers Respond” link […]
The Secret to Becoming a Better Leader
There’s a scene in the Movie “City Slickers” where the lead character, Mitch, played by Billy Crystal, is debating with his ornery trail boss Curly, about the meaning of life. It goes like this: Curly: Do you know what the secret of life is?[holds up one finger] Curly: This.Mitch: Your finger?Curly: One thing. Just one thing. […]
How to Help Your Manager Get Promoted
When you search “How to get promoted”, you will find millions of articles with all kinds of great tips for climbing the ladder. However, here’s a fact of organizational work life that isn’t often mentioned: your success is heavily tied to the success of your manager. In most cases, when your manager wins, so do you. If […]
6 Key Shifts in Thinking About Social Media
Do you ever wonder how your fellow marketers and business owners are using social media to grow their business? Whether they are concerned about declining Facebook reach? What platforms and strategies they intend to invest their time in? Wonder no more. Social Media Examiner has just released its annual Social Media Marketing Industry Report after surveying more […]
10 Marketing Tricks From the Pros
Marketing is the lifeblood of any startup – without it, the company will be sure to sink. So for entrepreneurs looking to boost their productivity with simple tricks, I set out to find answers. I recently asked some of the smartest and most experienced marketing people I know for their No. 1 marketing hack. While […]
The 5 Secrets to a More Readable Website
In my last column, I stressed the importance of producing quality content, but a website packed with amazing content and top search-engine rankings won’t do your business any good if your visitors don’t stick around long enough to read it. After all, isn’t the purpose of great content to convert visitors into leads and then eventually […]
How to Become a Millionaire by Age 30
Getting rich and becoming a millionaire is a taboo topic. Saying it can be done by the age of 30 seems like a fantasy. It shouldn’t be taboo and it is possible. At the age of 21, I got out of college, broke and in debt, and by the time I was 30, I was a millionaire. […]
Thinking Strategically First Makes Strategic Planning Work
Strategic planning for organizations is not considered fun. Strategic planning is often done under duress because it is required. Strategic planning is important yet many such plans are found on bookcases, not on the desktops being used. Done well, a strategic plan provides a useful focus that energizes and moves the organization toward its mission […]
Why Every Manager Should Create their own Succession Plan
Why should a manager care about their own replacement? Isn’t that HR’s job? Perhaps, but there are at least four compelling reasons for a manager to be proactive when it comes to their own succession planning: 1. So that you are not seen as “irreplaceable”. On the surface, being so important that no one else […]
Tips for New Managers: Part 2
Being promoted to a manager for the first time is one of the most challenging transitions a manager will ever have to navigate. You’ve come to the right place! Here’s the advice I would give to any new manager, over a series of two meetings. Tips #16-30: 16. Learn and practice a coaching model. Coaching […]
Tips for New Managers: Part 1
Being promoted to a manager for the first time is one of the most challenging transitions a manager will ever have to navigate. You’ve come to the right place! Here’s the advice I would give to any new manager, over a series of two meetings. Tips 1-15 1. Start getting ready before you get promoted. […]
From Manager to Leader, The Steps
sk anyone and they’ll tell you. There’s a difference between managers and leaders. Ask them what that difference is and they may have a bit more difficulty. Suddenly the words become amorphous and undefined. Somehow leadership is an intangible – a charismatic component that some people have and others simply don’t. That’s why, according to […]
The Best Leader I Ever Knew
The best leader I ever knew died recently. I want to share some of the lessons I learned from him with those of you not fortunate enough to have known him. At his funeral, I spoke with the woman who had been his office manager in what was to be his final career. “Whenever we […]
Moving Up In Management
Getting promoted from a management position to a higher-level manager position is similar to any other promotion with one exception. You have to demonstrate that you are ready for the new job. You have to prove you are the best candidate. You have to beat out the competition. In addition, though, you have to have […]
17 Content Pieces You Can Create Without Writing a Single Word
Not a strong writer? Not a problem! Even though “content is king” these days, there are tons of different content pieces that can be created and shared on your company’s website without requiring extensive writing. Here are a few ideas to help get your creative juices flowing: 1. Image gallery: Instead of words, fill your blog posts with […]